We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Life is a journey we share

                       I have been away on a holiday that was more than a trip.  It was a journey.  

                                And what a stupendous journey it was, for so mnay reasons.  

I saw some of the most beautiful parts of the world that I have ever seen.  I naturally reflected how we are connected with nature, finding myself being enlivened, refreshed and rejuvenated.  I had approached my holiday with a "take it as it coimes" attitude.  Well, that did not prepare me for what I was about to experience, for the journey was full of the beauty and goodness of this world.  I rather needed to go with my eyes wide open, from the very beginning, and so appreciate the whole journey to the full.  

It taught me that I need to appreciate better the journey and not take it for granted, as I so often do.  So be prepared, I tell myself.  Wake up and enjoy the journey to the full.  I saw so much that left me in awe, wonder struck.  It told me that I need to get out of my bubble, for God and creation are so much bigger than my little world.  Thank God!

Life is truly a journey.  
-We meet ones along the way.  We hear their stories.  We become connected.  We learn from each other.  -The way is unknown and so we make mistakes, but we learn from them.  
-We are not alone . We share the journey with equals.  
-The journey can be both exciting and lonely, but we keep going.  We have no other choice.  

Above all, along the way, you meet people who are so kind.  This is key, as their kindness sustains you on the way.  I say - "Kindness meets kindness".  Life is a journey, a journey best shared.  

And you know what?  I would worry so much about little things on the way and I discovered that it all worked out, in the end.  Not because of me, but because of God who opened so many doors (be they ever so little ones) for me.  It is true what I often say in greeting others - Vaya con Dios!