We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's never too late.

A great line of Kierkegaard keeps coming back to me, as it makes so much sense.  What was his line?  
"We live life moving forward, looking backwards."  
How true!  Do we ever get it?  

I am presently listening to the Peter, Paul and Mary classic - "The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind".  Is it not obvious?  Yet we keep 'screwing up', as Americans say.  

For St Teresa of Avila, life is all about love.  Quite simply put, God within us is to be found, pondered, revered and lived.  As our God is love, it is all about love.  Know love and live it to the full. 

Yet, we remain self-engrossed, we keep doing the same, old stuff over and over again.  I need, we need, our world needs the revolution of love.   

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