We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

We each have a story to tell. Let's listen and respect

In the past week, I have been privileged to meet people who have shared powerful and moving stories of their lives.  I heard a couple speak from their heart, of their faith.  I wwas truly touched to hear their depth of faith.  Their sharing made me seriously reflect on my own life.  I listened to a humble bishop, from Myanmar, speak of how his diocese is presently under attack, from the Tatmadaw.  As he spoke, I could feel his pain.  A friend shared how he felt rejection, on being question about a heartfelt choice he had made at church.  Who am I to question anyone?  Accept people where they are at, and go from there. 

They all impacted me, making me think:
Am I so right in life, in what I think and portray?
Do I really get the essence of life? 
I was reminded that it is best in life to stand back and reflect, thus getting in touch with the deeper meaning and reality of life, than just to react to what life throws at us.  I felt humbled by these people in my week.  They reminded me that I am above no one, nor nothing.  Rather I basically live out of my own struggle and chaos, which place me at the centre of our shared humanity.  We are humanity together.  

I was struck how we are humbled in life, when we realize who we are in relationship, to and with others.  We each have a story.  No one's story is better than another.  Each story is quintessential, being part of the rich and diverse tapestry that makes up life.  Listen to each other and respect the other's story, no matter how distant it may seem from one's own.  Ultimately, all is mystery, all is gift; we are in life together and need each other.  Here we find God, the true meaning of life.       

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Let's fill in the blank picture from my last entry

This Sunday, at mass, I was involved in an unnecessary and unfortunate exchange over a simple church practice.  As I reflect on my Sunday, I see how I helped create, even if well intentioned and innocently, a hurtful experience for another, who came for worship, a time when we remember and manifest God's love for all.  I am sorry unreservedly for this and accept my responsibility for creating a confrontation.  

It is time to move on but not to forget, as there is much to learn.  As happens, chaos creates growth, deep and harsh experiences are opportunities for good change.  This encounter, a true encounter, as it so touches me, only supports my last relfection, on how insane our world can be, even if so by accident or through misunderstanding.   Where to now? 

I would favour going to the root causes of today's woes.  I would name them as two-fold.  Our world has become too comfortable and accordingly disconnected, within which truth has become ruled by one's own needs and world view.  I can see here is a dangerous combination, leading to a narrow vison of life, acting agaisnt the common good.  .     

Comfort is a great temptation, facing all of us.  It can make us susceptible to false conceptions about life and our level of need.  It can serve to disconnect us from others and the real world.  One can ask - what is real?  In a world so detemined by a "my truth and my comfort" philosophy, everything becomes relative and absolutes fall by the wayside.  Abolute truth matters and serves to keep our world on a steady course, serving the good of the greater humanity.  

There are absolute truths and they serve a good purpose.  I will say they are few in number, for too many absolutes in life can also be dangerous.  I would name here a few absolutes that act for the sake of a healthy world, enjoyed by all.  

Every human being is unique, holding a basic dignity and worth.  All human beings stand in human solidarity, through sharing in this basic dignity, given to to us by a loving and creating God.  So human rights do exist for all.  With rights go responsibilities to look after our neighbour and creation.  I think this gives the picture.  
Don't get too comfortable.
Stay connected.
Absolute truths do exist.  The world is not ruled bu what I think and need.  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Creating sanity out of insanity

                                            What do you see in this picture?

Over recent times, I have noticed a natural progression in my use of language, when talking about our world.  It has gone from the new normal to the new abnormal to our crazy world to insanity.  

 As a result, I have come to the present conclusion that, in our world, one's mission is to create sanity out of insanity.  This may seem absurd or even arrogant, in approaching the world.  I accept that, but, here, I am sharing my felt experience that arose at the end of a rather stressful day, during the past week.  It was a day dealing with a series of issues in my life and work.  

This is so in a world that is ever changing.  Don't get me wrong.  I expect change, I value it and appreciate it.  Change itself is not the issue at hand.  Rather it is the incredibly rapid pace of change, happening at every level of my existence.  I experience it as all too much to deal with at once, so much so that it raises my level of vulnerability.  What is this about?  

I judge that I am first and foremost dealing with a feeling response.  This means that it is not necessarily rational.  So I need to stand back and ask myself what is happening.  Following my day of dealing with the insanity of my world, I realized that, in the midst of all that is reeling around me, I fear being abandoned or am feeling a sense of abandonment.  Is my world going to leave me behind and I be left alone?  This is the question.  

That is it.  It is dangerous when one feels isolated, as if one is the only one dealing with the insanity of our world.  So then, reach out anew to others and know that one is not alone.  Here lies the key to creating sanity out of insanity.  As Pope John Paul II once said so intuitively and passionately to his crowd - You are not alone.