We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Livingry not Weaponry

On Saturday, I was going for my walk in the park, when a guy, I never knew, came up to me, telling me how wonderful it was to see me again.   Who was this guy?  That was my only thought.  He was telling me I had always been kind to him, whenever we met, which had not been for a long time.  I just kept thinking who was he, for I had no idea.  What to do? 

I could have just ignored him and walked right away, but that would be unkind and just not decent behaviour.  So I happily entertained him.  After all, he was friendly and had a creative approach to encountering people.  However, I was wondering where he was going with his conversation.  Not assuming this guy's purpose, I finally saw his endgame, when he talked about losing a job offer because he had no address.  I gave him some advice and thought where next?   

At the right time, I could have just kindly finished the conversation, wished him well and continued my walk.  That would have been a decent response to a fellow human being, but I couldn't finish that way, as I was ruled by these are tough times for so many and you can't ignore people in their need.  So I purposely took an extra step, with offering him money for food, but not for the rent as he was intimating.  Thus we parted on a friendly note and he can think me once again as being kind.

I share this natural encounter in my Bangkok, for it serves as a great reflection on life and mission.  It is solely for this reason that I share. 

Our Christian faith does take us that one step beyond being kind, decent human beings.  It is good to be kind and decent.  They are values that stand on their own.  However, as Christians, our faith leads us to be kind for the deeper, altruistic motive, originating in God's love for each of us.  God's love takes us to that deeper place in our hearts and world, where we are challenged to act wholly for the good of the other.  In line with this intrinsic, life philosophy, our human encounters are spiritual by nature and are so much more than we can ever imagine.   

Truth remains that I am no one's salvation.  Mission is not about my saving the other.  All of us have only one saviour, Jesus, who calls us to his mission.  This happens because of our mutual friendship which he has instigated.  With this in mind, we ever strive to be authentic Christians, people of integrity in our encounter with humanity and creation.  

So we enter into God's life-giving vision, always and importantly remembering that no one is perfect.  We all fail.  I fail.  That is okay.  The way is with Jesus as our companion, thus keeping our focus on our goal in faith, ever getting back up and keeping on the way as Jesus' disciples.  This has real repercussions in everyday life and happens within simple, daily reality, even during a walk in the park.       

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy 200th Birthday

Guess who is turning 200 this year?  It is none other than the holy ground on which Assumption cathedral in my Bangkok now stands.  Yes, in 1822, on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, the first Assumption church (not then a cathedral), located on the same site as the present Assumption Cathedral, was consecrated.  

The story goes back to 1809, when an anonymous donor gave the then Bishop Florens money to buy land, upon which to construct a church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.  It took Bishop Florens 13 years to find all the money needed and complete the task. It was 13 years of struggle and hard work for the local church, so that, for 200 continuous years, a church could stand on the same ground.  This is a milestone that is about much more than money and physical labour.   

200 years later, people come to the present day cathedral and admire its grandeur and beauty.  It surely stands today in all its glory but it just did not happen.  There was a simpler church before it on the same spot.  Whether big or small, grand and beautiful or simple and humble, a church stands as a result of the generosity, sacrifice, hard work, faith and vision of the local faihtful, past and present.  

Today's cathedral gives witness to all who are and have been part of the local, living church for over 200 years.  It may be a building but it is much more.  It is a living testimony to the presence of God and of church in the local community.  It energizes a diverse community of faith live and minister in the streets of our world, to forge its bond and identity.  For 200 years, a building has stood as church, serving as the intrinsic focus for a community of believers being church.  Essentially, we are church as we live our faith, share the love of God and give witness to enduring hope.        

Deo gratias!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

There is a book in each of us

They say there is a book in each and every person.  I believe that to be true.  At a General Audience, in March, 2021, Pope Francis expressed it thus: "It is the Spirit who writes the history of the Church and of the world.  We are open books.  And in each of us, the Spirit composes original works."  

Francis expands that each person is unique.  While we all share in the one humanity, we each have our own, unique story.  The images keep rolling in front of me.  Together, we make up one, rich tapestry, which is depleted, if there is even one piece missing.  Life is lacking if but one person's contribution to the human project is lacking. 

An Irish friend recently shared with me this image of the Irish Church of his boyhood, over 50 years ago.  It shows the institutional church, a church that was and is no longer.  It is obvious who is the star of this show, the author of its unfolding story back then.  In those times, the times of my own boyhood, too much was structured and rigid, too much expected and simply given.  I have no reason to regret nor complain.  I don't.  I am actually very grateful for all I received.  However, nor do I have any reason to harken for what was.  I just take heart in where I am now.  

We live in extraordinary times, crazy times.  This may speak of our entering into that new era, spoken of by Francis.  So we leave behind what was, remembering it with thanks and learning from it, but never glorifying it.  We live now in what is, appreciating its treasure for humanity, approaching it wisely and with a healthy perspective, with the aim of not repeating past mistakes, while bettering our world.  

But do we ever learn?  Look at Ukraine; look at Ethiopia and Yemen; look at how we treat refugees; look at how we treat those who lack value in the eyes of our world.  It is heartbreaking as it is all so unnecessary. These times open us to move beyond institutional settings and givens, so that we may give healthy expression to the human sprit, a spirit that thrives on love and freedom.  .        

This age thus gives each and every person the freedom to sing their own particular song.  What is mine?  Sing it out loud and with pride.  Dare you!


Sunday, June 5, 2022


On 6th June, 1944, the allied forces landed on Normandy beaches in France to begin the battle to push the Nazis back, and so defeat Hitler.  Another war was over.  More were to follow.  78 years later, we continue to live on the edge between good and evil.  We know the right way to go but we just can't seem to get our act together.  

Recently, I was privy to one of those many table conversations older, farang males love to host in my Bangkok.  They can be boring and crazy but this one fascinated me.  The older, atheist male from Canada proclaimed how ridiculous it was to believe in God, as all those bible stories are just absurd.  Well, fair enough point made for him.  Let him be, but my friend, the atheist, finished his tirade with the bottom line that God was to blame for the tragic state of our world.  Huh? He doesn't believe in God, but he blames God for all our problems in this life.  You can't have it both ways.  Who was it that said - You ain't seen nothing yet?    

We will let my friend have his day in court.  Putting aside God, in whom he does not believe, we will uphold two key ingredients for being church, as proclaimed by the present, ongoing Synod of the Church.  One is that we journey together, listening to each other.  This is not some motherhood statement but leads us into deep dialogue and true encounter with each other.  The other is that we reach out to all, touching those on the margins and the periphery of church and society.  To not do either means we have failed as church.  

It is the anniversary of  D-Day.  How can we not believe in God?  Otherwise how are such ideals possible?  If just left to us, they become mere pie in the sky.  As people of faith, we know better.  God, not humanity, which is still finding its way in this crazy world, is the source of all human hope and every human vision for the sake of a glorious future of all and of the earth.