My Bangkok is a huge city, but such a small world.
Last week, this lovely American family, new to Bangkok, invited me to their home. I found my visit to be just a delightful experience, being so impressed by their three beautiful children.
Later in the week, I attended a dinner celebrating 50 years of marriage of a couple from church. I just know them as two dear and simple people who come to church every Sunday. Being at their dinner, I got a fuller picture of who they were and realized, to my great surprise, how well connected they are in Bangkok.
Their connections went as far as their touching the life of that same lovely family, I had visited earlier in the week. I was gobsmacked. Both families lived in the same neighbourhood, each travelling so far every Sunday to come to the same church. It was now my mission to connect them.
On Sunday, I could see that they already knew each other, but how well? My litmus test and aim was to get the three lovely children onto an elephant. Huh?
Yes, that is right. You see, the wedding couple was having three elephants come to their local park as part of the party they were hosting on Sunday, for their 50th. By chance, this same park is shared by the family, with the three children, who could then go ride an elephant in the afternoon. They would love it. Is that what happened?
Bangkok is a small world. One of my jobs is to connect its lovely people.