We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Visakha Buddha Day

Tuesday was a Buddhist holiday, a day which remembers Buddha's birth, death and enlightenment - all in one.  Quite resourceful really how they organize it.  For some in my Bangkok, this day is one of those no alcohol days that they so dread.  Life is fleeting.  So what is one day without alcohol at the bars?  Life and death, hellos and goodbyes are everyday realities.

My great Irish neighbour moves out this week.  A sad moment to farewell a good friend in my Bangkok but as ever such goings highlight a central element of my Bangkok - it is most transitory.  People come and go.  Nothing remains permanent.  That is life. 

So the wisdom of Buddhism to remember all of Buddha's major movements in one day.  A reflection on how temporary life is. Buddhism focuses on the suffering and impermanence of life.  We come, we go; life goes on.  Quite freeing all this really as it tells us that no one is indispensable. We make decisions, we move on and life evolves, and evolves in ways we could never imagine or plan.  Life, and not just Thailand, is truly amazing.  I could never plan it any better myself.

A new store in my Bangkok where there was a massage shop.  Businesses come and go.  So what next? 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Shop until you drop

Chinatown on a Saturday morning
On a hot, steamy morning, crowds team into the narrow alleyways of Chinatown in the search of a bargain.  I had joined them when I went along for the ride with Om on his now weekly excursion there as part of his new business.  What he does is buy drinking containers which he then sells through family, friends, work and Facebook for a small profit.  He does it because he enjoys it, giving him an extra interest and the people contact on which he thrives.   It is amazing how people can make money.  These drinking containers are all the fashion at the moment and I live in a society where fashion rules.

So I went for the experience to see the business and found myself being overcome by both the heat and the crowds.  It was all a bit much.  I watched all these people shopping for bargains and thought I would rather pay the extra at a local stall and save all the discomfort.  Still I wanted to see what Om does on a Saturday at Chinatown and it was something different for me, an adventure. I got to see what all these other people do as well for a bargain or to do some business themselves. 

One of the pillars of Bangkok is shopping.  I would name the other two as being food and tourism.  Of course, there is much more here with Bangkok being a huge city and the political and business capital of Thailand.  Shopping is fun for some but I think it hard work.  It is business, and serious business.  You fight for every baht.  Drop the price by 10 baht to 140 baht and you draw the crowd.  I just stood back and watched and wondered.  Shop until you drop?  It is more likely that you will collapse from the heat or get pushed over by the crowd. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thank God for our garbo!

5.30am on a Monday during a storm.  Ever faithful!
It is the start of another week.  It is 5.30am Monday morning and I am at the bus stop, waiting to get the bus for work.  I always go early to beat the traffic and get in and do some work before mass.  I figure that this way I can also leave early.  I am up anyway.  So it all makes sense.

Well, this particular morning, I left extra early as there was a storm about to begin.  I find myself at the bus stop and am there as usual with the rubbish men out getting the rubbish, which they do each morning.  Then it struck me as I was there waiting in the rain.  Here they are ever faithful to their task even in a storm.  Their daily task is hard enough, being dirty and smelly, but today it is even more arduous with their getting wet in the rain.   Without doubt, they are among our daily unsung heroes as what they do for all of us is really quite amazing, especially as I see rubbish pile up in my Bangkok and see how it is all handled by hand.

Maybe they just love their job or get great job satisfaction but I wonder.  Maybe it is the best job they can get and they are happy to have done a good job each day.  Well, good on them.  Whatever their story, they do a job that is necessary for our daily existence in our city.  Without them, I could only imagine what a disaster my Bangkok would become.  Thank God for the garbo, as we say back home.   ("Garbo" is Australian slang for garbage man.  We so love to shorten our words.)

If we ever think our lot is tough, spare a thought for the garbo out in the streets early each morning doing a hard and dirty task for us.  Then when in the rain - Amazing!  Maybe it is fun and there is the camaraderie but I also think - Yuck! I truly am thankful for what they do for me and all of us. We have so many heroes in our life and many we never even know or recognize.  As I see my local garbo on a rainy morning, I am thankful for him and I am thankful for my own lot in life.  Together we share our Bangkok and each of us has our needed role and our place. 

PS - It is Thursday and the garbo was not out at the usual time.  I wondered where he was.  I guess we all need a sleep-in or a day-off, even the garbo.)

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Communio, it is.

Well, a week later, communio does win the day.

Last Friday, I had another first in my Bangkok.  Even after over 12 years here, I keep having firsts.  It is that sort of place.  It was a ride on a motor bike but not just another ride in Bangkok where bikes are a way of life.  The difference this time was that I was on the back of a motor bike during heavy rain.  It is not what I would normally do but I had no choice as otherwise I would be stuck waiting out a storm into the night.  So onto the back of Om's bike I went and into the rain.  The ride was wet and wild. and free.  The worse that happened was I got wet and that was no harm.  It was such good fun but still I will not be doing it every week.

If there is to be a deeper interpretation of the experience, it is to be found in the sense of freedom felt and the fun enjoyed with a friend.  Is that not communio, at least in part?

Then in this same week, another experience was to be part of management meeting at my workplace.  What I was hearing being described by staff was a closed system, a system that was not welcoming and not experiencing great joy.  Its pay-off is something else - security and control.  The latter does not work, while the former does not assure happiness and is not everything.  My line to that meeting was to open our minds and be open to the new.  Compared to my simple motor bike ride, this experience was deadening.  Not the way to go.

As we come together, it is about diversity and it doers involve disagreement but let us not overlook the joy of life.  Life is not all hard work. It is much more - sharing, enjoying, working out issues together, building a bit of harmony.  Communio does win the day and a simple life experience of a motor bike ride with a friend reminded me of that.

I have no photo this week as I want to share the exhilaration of my ride in the rain and not of a depressing meeting.  Fact is I could not use my smartphone in the heavy rain.  One also has to be realistic.