Every New Year, there is the tradition of making New Year's resolutions. I would join in with the crowd but after awhile I realized that these resolutions only lasted for a few days, if that. It was like going to confession to confess the interminable fault, only to keep repeating it yet again. So "What was the use?" summed up my attitude.
Confession is one thing and I do keep going. New Year resolutions are another. Better not to make them at all, I judge, and so I don't.
There is a saying in English which may explain away New Year resolutions. It goes like this, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". I thought of this as I was in the swimming pool just now, facing the challenge of cold water. It was cold. I normally would avoid swimming in cold water but this time I did it as I was with a friend, and you know what? I found it refreshing.
We have lived through nearly a year of a pandemic. It has taught us many things. One is that we need to try new ways and allow newness to arise in our lives and our world, if for no other reason than simply the old ways have not all been working that well and have brought our world to this.
As I look back on 2020, I recall that the pandemic stopped me in my regular routine of having a swim. That has not been good for me. Doing something outrageous and spontaneous by jumping into cold water for a swim has also refreshed my memory. Swimming is good for me and I enjoy it. .
I will not say that this is a New Year's resolution as they don't work. I will just say - Happy New Year! 2021 is the year for getting back into my old routine of having a swim, cold water or not. .