We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Up the Bosphorus

While in Istanbul, I was told that an absolute must was to go up the Bosphorus. So I did. The Bosphorus is the waterway between the Mamare and Black Seas. It is a defining line between Asia and Europe and flows through the middle of Istanbul.
I was told where to get the boat for this trip and off I went. It was exhilarating going up the Bosphorus and seeing the beautiful coastline and towns along the way. Then ahead of us was the Black Sea. That was just amazing to think that I was here in this place. Then I found to my amazement that when we arrived at this town by the Black Sea on the Bosphorus that we were to stay here two and a half hours before returning back to Istanbul. Stay here? What is there to do, to see here?
As a good westerner who likes to be highly organised, I was just shocked and thought if I had known this that I would have stayed at Istanbul. You know what? I was wrong.
What had been unplanned for me; what had been something that I would never have chosen was to become for me one of the great experiences of my stay in Istanbul. Such is life! The best things in life are often unplanned!
Being stranded here for so long, I decided to take a walk up the nearby hill, with my fellow travellers, to see the old castle ruins. What I discovered was just the most stupendous view of the Black Sea. It was well worth the effort and the time. Even more worthwhile for me was what I discovered along the way to the old castle. We came across a local artisan who was making gifts out of glass. He was also selling products made from other local artisans. It was just a wonderful discovery to see such exquisite products of local people. I would never have chosen this route but I am so happy that I took it and it was a route given to me, not made by me.

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