We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I look at the date that I last posted something on this site and I am just ashamed or else I think how incredible it is that time goes so quickly. I wonder what I have done in this time and just where have I been?

Well I did go to Australia in October for a quick visit as I was summoned home by my boss, Tony, for a meeting. I felt like I was a businessman rather than a priest, racing home for a week. I only got to visit my family for two days as then I had to return home to Bangkok for a week before going to Europe for three weeks on a Thai Church sponsored trip.

The main purpose of this trip was to go to Rome to attend the VI World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees run by the Church. It was then onto Spain and Germany to visit Caritas Thailand funding partners there. I also planned to visit my Order inthese places and let them know about me and Thailand. This trip proved successful on all counts and was even most enjoyable.

Still it served to reinforce my feeling that here I am being a businessman as I think that this is the lifestyle of a businessmand and not a priest. Maybe my thinking is too narrow and limited as it was all for a purpose and it was all part of my journey in mission here in Thailand. I guess I just have to open my horizons and broaden my sense of opportunity.

Anyway, now I am home again and happy to be in one place again. Now is the time to re-enter my blogsite. I must let my greatest fan, Carmel, my niece, know as I don't want her to miss out on reading the latest.

I might be able to share all that has happened in the last three months but I do have some stories to share on my return and it may be time to do just that.

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