We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Our world can be so small

Our Liz challenges the faith community at Bangkok Cathedral at this very moment. Why?

While Liz and Empower are out there busy working to help sex workers build up their lives, the big issue at the cathedral is appropriate dress. As one who goes to the cathedral, I have to say that no one dresses disrespectfully, or at the very least, no one does so knowingly or on purpose. What I believe is at play is the old cultural differences.

We are in Thailand and we have to respect Thai ways but the cathedral has a mixed population. People come to it from other countries and other ways which may seem strange to the Thais. Some only come on a one off visit while others are regulars. What I see happening is that what is repectful for a westerner is not so respectful for a Thai. I understand the tensions that may arise in the presenting of this issue but but no one is being disrespectful. What really worries me is that some good people are feeling excluded by the way this policy is being presented in the community.

Even on this little issue, one could go on for hours but what is the central word is LITTLE. It really is such a little issue. No one means any harm and the whole thing is becoming too consuming and causing too much unnecessary strife. Why don't we follow the lead of our Liz and Empower and move onto a big issue and focus our time and energy on something worthwhile, like religious harmony, homelessness, social issues causing unrest? Why can't we let go of the little things and move onto what really matters to us as builders of the Reign of God?

Then there is something else that comes to my attention and I think it may be related. It is my recent more highlighted experience of the arrogant side of Thais. As I go around on my day, I notice more Thais on the street looking unhappy, appearing quite arrogant with their looks. Maybe this is nothing and only me, but it is happening in a country where it is so important to have the image of being friendly and to appear polite. It makes me wonder if anything is happening out there. I also repeat that the soldiers have returned to the streets - soldiers and not more police. They have not come back in big numbers but they have returned. What is that about?

As I say many times, life here is lived on many layers and the layer that matters most is the one below, the one you are not immediately experiencing or know about. This country is experiencing great pain because of unresolved and ongoing social issues. The political system is not working to deal with these unresolved issues. I suspect here is a key to what people are feeling even if they are not allowed or able to name their experience due to their cultuture, their ways and the constraints of a restrictive social hierarchy and system.

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