We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Where to effect change

Yesterday, I mentioned that having Alejandro and Luciano, who are of the Order's Curia, visit me in Bangkok was more productive and worthwhile for me and my mission than my being at the Order's Intermediate General Chapter. Why do I say that?

After all the General Chapter was a good experience, full of many great opportunities to meet, to connect, to see how the show operates, to gain some new insights. As for achieving any great movements for change, I did not see that happen and maybe I should not expect that to happen at such a level. What I saw more was the frustration with needed change not happening and just how slowly change does occur.

My reflection simply was that the macro-level is not the place where we can normally expect change to occur. It can and does occur there but probably more rarely than at the more micro-levels. At the macro-level, change is affected in exceptional or certain circumstances, when the need for change is high. Normally this is not the case. Change is not easy for anyone and so it is more likely to occur at the local level, at the grassroots or the personal level. Just for what it is worth as I thought I should explain my position.

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