We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Friday, April 29, 2011

What is real or unreal?

Living in Bangkok, I have found that the basic moral question to be asked is not what is good or bad? what is right or wrong? BUT What is real or unreal?

I was confirmed in this last night when I received a text message from a Thai friend whom I judged to be reasonably well off as he has a house and a car. He was asking for money to pay the monthly rent. I then automatically started questioning what our friendship was about. Living here, I knew immediately that was not the way to base any question on the situation.

It reminded me yet again that the basic question in living here is what is real or unreal? Don't make moral judgements on actions but pursue this basic question and see where it leads.

The reality is that, within a seemingly wealthy Thailand, life is tough for its poor, for its average citizens. The reality is that asking each other for money to help out is the way they live. Western standards do not apply and cannot be assumed. Human standards, however, do apply and we need to uphold what is good and natural in living together for the sake of mutual dignity and respect.

I sound like a priest.

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