We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What is real?

I was eating in the street in my neighbourhood last night and I got talking to this young Thai guy who was also at the same 'street eatery'. He was friendly and we just talked.

I have been in the neighbourhood four and a half years now and know it well. He was saying where he lived and I thought that was just a normal sort of place for Thais. Then he said he had a car and I just thought that he is better off than most. Then he said he was from the north where he had a house. He is only 28 and so I assumed that he came from a wealthy Thai family. But then he said that he sells beds at a department store. I then really wonder - what is going on here? A wealthy Thai selling beds? If not wealthy, how does he have so much?

Then I realised where his house, car and other wealth came from after he then mentioned about living in England for six months with some older UK guy who has three sons with his ex-wife. In the past six years, he has had two foriegn boyfriends - this one and a Japanese guy. Each has invested in him big time. Between the two of them, he has been given a car and much money which has allowed him to establish a family business and to buy a house and many other things. Having spent all his money and now being single, he finds himself selling beds in a department store.

While this may be a typical story in Thailand, it is all still a bit much to piece together at once. I have so many questions which I don't ask. I have much food for thought. Then I return to my basic and originating question for any further thought or reflection - What is real? This is a true story but still - what is real?

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