We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Disaster has hit

Yesterday, I had lunch with a great priest friend here. He is a New Zealander. We enjoyed our lunch and time together and then we asked for the bill. Believe it or not, dealing with paying bills can be a challenge in Bangkok as there is a real Thai way in approaching such a task. They hover over you while you work out the money and they have their set way of dealing with it. It is all like they don't trust you and that they think you will run away without paying. It is part of here that I have never got used to.

Well, I know all this as I have lived here for six years but yeterday I lost it when facing this everyday task in Thailand. I asked the waitress for change so that I could put in my share of the bill. She then said - No! You have to pay the bill! It was not what she said but that her approach was so arrogant that I just lost it there and then. I thought I am not going to take this as I am the customer.

I realised afterwards that I should not have lost it as it never achieves anything except I get upset. Obviously, something was lost in the translation - I think. As my mate said, that is your head talking but we are much more than that and more important parts were at play.

On further reflection, I realised that this whole situation of living in Bangkok surrounded by a disaster and working under such pressure as a result are all taking its toll. This may explain my reaction to the waitress and help me understand what is happening within me but it is no excuse. So I did go back and apologise to the woman and I have made a resolution - be gentle on myself and on others.

Meanwhile, my mate still did enjoy the lunch.

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