We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

We are all connected but ???

In my last entry, I said Goodbye to Bill and Clare, emphasizing how we all belong together and never really leave each other. That is the gift to us through the mystery of our God to whom we all belong. I believe this from a faith perspective but then I try to make sense of it when I think of why Bill and Clare had to leave Thailand, when I look at the reality of our world. In Clare's case, she had stood up against corrupt business practices in her previous workplace and as a result she had a baseless charge of criminal defamation made against her. Even when the charge was false and based on corruption, she faced the ultimate possibility of time in prison in Thailand. So she and Bill left. My basic quest is not to take up the gauntlet and run a huge campaign, but to ask the question - How? I see this as the theological question placed before us by such a case - How can we do this to others if we acknowledge that the one God shares life with us and makes his home our home? Just how is it possible for anyone to treat another in such an abusive and degarding way when we are so interconnected?

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