We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


What is this week's item? 

We live in such a small world.  Here I am in Bangkok reading a report sent to me by a Franciscan mate in Sydney.  The report is from their Franciscans' International office here in Bangkok.  It features the issue of urban refugees in Bangkok, and specifically, the Pakistani Christian refugees coming here, and I think that is my ministry and work.  Then as I read it, I feel horrified.  It does highlight the dreadful situation these people face in ending up here, and that is true, but it is too simplistic in its understanding and approach, advocating that a way to go is to lobby the Thai Government. 

Yes, there are injustices but, no, they can't be solved by lobbying the Thai Government as the government does not recognise ones coming here as refugees but identifies them as being in the country without any legitimate visa and should then be dealt with under Thai law.  Their situation may not be that simple but that is the way it is here and has to be respected and dealt with in ways that are helpful and more diplomatic than just petitioning government.  Lobbying too strongly could lead to upset and problems in continuing to deal with and help this population. 

The report I read is based on the stories of the refugee population met by the Franciscans.  That is good but the person writing it and advocating ways ahead in acting for these people did not seek the other side through listening to UNHCR which is primarily responsible for them as refugees or as ones applying for refugee status and to NGOs and church communities helping them.  The other side is that, while there is tremendous need, this need cannot be met as we face a lack of resources.  The other side is that, while ones are desperately looking for help, they can be too aggressive in their demands and their demands just cannot be met as they want as it is not possible.  The other side is that UNHCR and other agencies have to act wisely and within their limitations and there are ways of dealing with these cases and with their issues at government and policy levels.

I go back to my motto for my work here in ministry - Do what you can! 

In this work of helping and justice, passion is involved but passion can go too far and it needs to be balanced by reason and good and wise action. 

What fascinates me is how I come upon this week's item for reflection.  It is about here but comes to me via Australia.   

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