We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Taking a risk

This week saw the inauguration of Pope Francis and my mother's 95th birthday, if she was still alive. 

Pope Francis calls for a poor Church for the poor.  For a man who refuses the papal limo; who exclaims, on seeing the papal apartments, that they could fit 300 people; who declares that the carnival is over when offered a piece of papal clothing; he must be a challenge for the die-hards inside the Vatican and the hard core institution. 

Mum was always one to stand by her principles, not allowing for any grey areas or room to move.  I have that in me from my mother but I am more liberal and have room for more grey areas. 

Both obviously are people in my life today who speak of the value of taking risks in life. 

I was watching recently a BBC presentation looking at women in leadership roles.  One woman spoke of how she learnt from her father who used to tell her to aim for the stars.  Her point was that if you aim for the stars, you will at least get to the tree tops which is some progress in life.  I shared this at a meeting here at Caritas Thailand for the sake of the staff. 

In a culture that is full of beauty and grace but where one's place is so determined by hierarchy and status, a number of those sitting around the table could not grasp the message.  Aiming for the stars just isn't on their agenda as they aren't allowed to think that way, or just can't. 

Then in a local Church where, there is so much value placed on showing off wealth and power, I wonder what sense they make of the Pope's call to be a Church of the poor.  Probably none.  The impressive buildings and institutions, the schools for the rich and powerful, the big budgets for doing good will all remain. 

Still, you know what?  Risk taking is firmly back on the agenda. 

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