We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Friday, March 7, 2014

It's time to take a look at life

The protestors are there but not to be seen. 
I have many themes facing me from this week but I can't help keep thinking that Lent began on Wednesday and therein lies the key to my week. 

During the one week, I went from a high to a low.  At the beginning of the week, I felt on top of the world but, by Wednesday, I was wondering where am I? 

On Thursday as I set out for work, it struck me that I had to make a choice of which of my two work places I would attend.  I had tasks and responsibilities at each demanding my attention and depending on my simple choice of go left or right on the street would determine the rest of my day. 

Any low point brings with it some sense of crisis.  It is is a bit of a tired dictum but with crisis does come opportunity - opportunity to learn, opportunity to change.  We are all a bit dysfunctional, a bit functional and to varying degrees at varying times, and we are all faced with the challenge to build up our better side. 

I nearly feel embarrassed to say this but I saw Jerry Springer this Tuesday, being interviewed on BBC's HardTalk.  I was impressed as he made sense.  His reality TV show is not him.  He is actually a man with depth and with passion for religion and politics.  He noted that life is a gift and we need to look after it and nourish it.  Now is that not a Lenten theme and it does fit in with the ups and downs of my week, another week in the life of a human person. 

Pope Francis introduced Lent by saying that it is a time to shake ourselves up, reminding ourselves who is in charge - God!  He reminds us that we live in a culture of doing but what really matters is who we are and so let's not be ruled by always having to do, even if what we do is useful. 

Like the protestors in Bangkok, we need to stand back at times and look at where we are going in life.  It is good to be and not just do all the time or rather maybe not driven by the need to do all the time.  Who we are is basic and leads to and nourishes what we do.  We may need to change direction or speed but we must first take a back seat and let God into the picture and have a good look at where we are.  Lent is a natural season for me to allow that to happen.  So Lent is the key to my week. 

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