We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

It is beyond reason

The World Cup finished at the weekend and by now our German friends may have recovered.  In Thailand, it was avidly followed by many.  What happened here over the last weekend of this great sporting event under military government intrigued me. 

Friday and Saturday were major Buddhist days of  observance.  This meant that there was to be no alcohol sold in the country on these days.  This was strictly enforced under our now military rule.  Then Sunday night came and the grand final of the World Cup was to begin at 3am Monday morning, local time.  The same military rule made the big decree that all bars could stay open until the end of the big game.  That meant staying open all night.

What intrigued me was that one approach was so strict while the other was much more accommodating.  It struck me as bewildering.  Popularist maybe but it may also reflect the general approach here to life and its tasks and challenges.  You present in one way but practice is somewhat different. 

Tourists come here for the bars and the girls.  In Thai society, there is a strong conservatism that looks down on this activity but it is still strongly supported, maybe by even some of the same people who look down upon it, as it makes a lot of money.

Per capita of population, Bangkok has a huge number of Mercedes and BMWs.  This is not because everyone here is so wealthy.  Ones go into big debt to have their luxury cars.  What it is really about is image and status.  Presentation and image are all important in a culture like the one here.  It is how you look that matters more than what you do or achieve. 

What often happens here in the workplace, the market or the street is beyond reason.   Even if the lanaguage speaks this way, rational thought and long term planning are not determining factors.  It is rather more because something has to happen now and short term gains are at stake and I just have to get my way.  Image and status, not reason and consistency, remain at the centre of focus. 

Then I stand back and think about what I am trying to share here and I realise.  It is not just a Thai thing that matters on hand may seem beyond reason.  I see it so often and clearly amongst the farang population here as well.  They just do and often lack any reason.  They can even just be plain dumb.  What is it about? 

In a country where most never play football, it is all important because it is the game everyone can bet on and so many love to gamble, while gambling is illegal.  Everyday reality is not necessarily explained by reason but it is not reason that rules the day.  It is what we don't see or name; it is what is behind what we see that is real  Maybe it is just something in the air. 

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