We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christmas has come to Nando's

Yes, it is Christmas again or so it is appearing more and more so here in Bangkok.  The trees and the lights are going up all over the city in the shopping malls, shops, restaurants, office buildings and squares.  Even Nando put up his tree this week and everyone is impressed that  he has a real tree.  The star is a bit sad but he is working on it. 

Nando is my Italian friend living in the same apartment building.  He has his great Italian restaurant sitting right outside the front door of our building.  He and his restaurant are very much a part of my life here.

I name Nando as the Mayor of our street as he is known by everyone and knows everyone.  His restaurant is more than a restaurant.  It is a local landmark.  It is a centre for the life of our neighbourhood and he makes it so due to his warm hospitality and sincerely friendly nature.. 

The western guys congregate at a table each day to have a beer and a chat.  The regular customers all know each other.  Nando acknowledges all as they go by and even has a chaplain - me.  That gives me my one perk as he gives me a good deal - a plate of pasta and a can of Sprite for 200 baht. 

Nando is one of those characters in my Bangkok.   He is larger than life - a good man with a big heart.  Of course to be a character, he is also a little eccentric and has his funny ways.  His outward Italian free expression can be a bit much for Thais at times but  you just think that this is who he is.

Part of knowing Nando is to know his family and they are great.  His brother is an engineer on a cruise ship and mostly away.  He also has a big heart and is just in love with ships.  You should hear him talk about his ship.  It is like the ship is s person, even his girlfriend.  Then there is mama.  She lives in Rome and comes here each year for Christmas to see her two boys.  She doesn't just come and relax.  She puts on her apron and gets to work, helping to run the restaurant.  She is part of the show.  She is tops.  She will be here in ten days and will be a welcome addition to our neighbourhood and my Bangkok.  Nando is so excited, getting ready for her.  Hence the tree went up this week.  He is like a big kid. 

Nando puts some added colour and life into my Bangkok.  I thank him for helping to make my Bangkok a place that is my home, a home like no other I have known before. 

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