We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

You are my Fr Dobbo

Last Sunday at mass, my homily was about how our faith is handed onto us by real people and real life experiences.  We are who we are thanks to people who matter to us and make an impact on us.  Such people are not dull and boring but people full of life and passion.

Such a person in my life has been (as he is still alive) Fr John Dobson who was the assistant priest in the parish where my family belonged when I was a teenager.  Dobbo, as he is known, is an absolute character.  I know him as always being happy and full of fun.  One could say he is a mischievous type, being able to tell a joke just as easily as he could offer a line of wisdom or compassion.  In his day, he ran the parish youth group and saw that there was always some activity to bring the young together to enjoy good times and become friends.  He was what I would name as the person who kept Catholic culture alive for young Catholics.  He was not just a great fellow but a man of depth, being involved in his community.  He has always been a man of good standing and good values, a  man you could admire and look up to.  I remember as a teenager that not only was he the priest but he was someone you would want around and spend time with.  So he helped make me who I became.  He was my hero when I was 18 and he only cemented my desire to be a priest. 

Yes, we become who we are thanks to real people in our lives.  My faith was formed not by doctrines and tomes but by the Dobbos in my life.  I would think that as people of faith we all have Dobbos in our life.  We should be thankful for them.  The challenge for us is that, in turn, we be Dobbos to others in life and help them grow in faith and stature.

I share all this not to blow my trumpet but because of what happened after mass.  I just thought it so funny. 

The French ambassador to Thailand and his wife are part of our community of faith at the cathedral.  They are just lovely people.  At the end of mass last Sunday, the wife said to me in her very pure and rich French accent: 
"You are my Fr Dobbo".
Not only did she get the message but she left me with a chuckle inside that has stayed all week. 

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