We gather

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to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Where are the leaders in our world?

In all good faith, I saw in Angela Merkel's recent stance on facing the present refugee crisis real leadership.  Then I met with a knowledgeable, young German this week and I wonder.  I saw in Obama the possibility of leadership but like so many became disillusioned by his inability to deliver.  Then lately, I see how more effective he is becoming and think that he is doing okay but I still wonder.  The bigger question remains - where is the leadership so badly needed in our world?

Our world is so lacking what it so badly needs - good and strong leadership.

In response to my own search, I have to say that the one truly, worthwhile world leader I identify is Pope Francis.  I may be wrong but this is my judgement.  He is not a President, a Chancellor or a Prime Minister, ruling neither a national budget nor a military force.  Yet he speaks with great authority and speaks a message that touches people at the grassroots.  He is successfully able to touch our hearts and connect across borders with ordinary citizens everywhere.

For me, his most recent success story in this regard has been his pronouncement this week for the upcoming Jubilee Year of Mercy where, among other things, he has proclaimed prisons as centres of God's mercy.  He puts it in these terms:
"Prisoners may obtain the indulgence in the chapels of the prisons.  May the gesture of directing their thought and prayer to the Father each time they cross the threshold of their cell signify for them their passage through the Holy Door, for the mercy of God is able to transform hearts and is also able to transform bars into an experience of freedom."
Prison authorities may not know it, and I would say that is definitely true in Thailand, but their dreaded facilities worldwide have been put in the limelight by the Pope for good.

I say it time and again about Francis but it is true - a statement like this is just mind blowing.  Pope Francis has done it again and keeps doing it.  He just has the knack of acting at such very human levels for good, responding to people's deepest desires and aspirations for life.  His lesson is clear.  Leadership is not about being able to rule powerful armies and almighty budgets but about being able to touch the human heart and effect it for good.

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