There are a few key phrases in Thai that are central to understanding the local culture. One is "sabai sabai" which basically translates for us to "relax", and the Thais can sure take a relaxed attitude to life.
In the midst of what I would name as a great crisis this week at my work, I would unreservedly name this as a healthy approach to life in the midst of chaos. Saying this is easier than actually living it out, I assure you for someone like me, 'being so western', as I always say here.
I am surely not alone in the chaos that is part of my week but I am the only westerner caught up in it and I can see our differences in approach. There has been a shared concern amongst our team about an important, unresolved work matter. I came in to assume my leadership role in dealing with it. My way of tackling it has been to make it a team effort as I surely know that I cannot resolve it alone nor is it my responsibility alone. The others acknowledge the seriousness of the situation but our ways of tackling it as individuals in our work are so different.
I focus my energies on dealing with the task and do so in a concerted way. My colleagues act in a way that seems far more relaxed and at times make one wonder whether we really share the same concerns as they seem to sail right on not worried about anything. I sit back and wonder what is going on.
It is the Thai way to not go the extra step to achieve or to take a risk in the workplace or to go beyond the boundaries of their strictly and internally prescribed ways of behaviour and limits of personal endeavour. Then I think that maybe there is a healthy message in this approach for me. So I acknowledge that I have done my bit and I now step back and relax for a bit.
Time and again here, I am confronted with this strong shared sense they have of Thai culture but I wonder if it is not just more about being human. As I experience my week, I would wonder how helpful and effective a work team would prove anywhere in my world. I can also see how a good westerner can be over consumed by the task and lose sight of what really matters in life and, you know what, in the end it all works out anyway, even in spite of what I do or how concerned I am. That is what happens time and again. So sabai, sabai.
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