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to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Queen of Ireland's 2015 Christmas Message

That is right.  The Queen of Ireland gave her 2015 Christmas Day Message. And what a message, it was.  No, I am not going mad. 

I have two Irish neighbors.  They keep updating me on Panti Bliss, a well known Irish drag queen.  She has made a successful and outspoken stance for gay rights and equality and in doing so has become somewhat of a leader and legend in Irish society.  Panti, otherwise known as Rory O'Neill, has used her rise to notoriety for good.  Having been approached by many others at the edge of Irish society, she gave her Christmas Day Message to speak out on behalf of all those marginalized and discriminated against in her Ireland. 

So Panti gave her Queen of Ireland Christmas Day Message in true royal style, speaking in an authentic leadership style in her own unique and funny way.  As I watched her Christmas Day Message on You Tube, I forgot that I was listening to a drag queen and instead found myself listening to the message being given in a royal but lighthearted tone.  I was overcome with emotion as I heard her heartfelt pleas on behalf of the marginalized. 

I then felt a sense of outrage.  Nothing against Panti, as I have the highest regard for her in her stance on behalf of others.  Why then  the outrage?  well, here was a drag queen dong what the Church in Ireland should be doing - speaking out on behalf of the marginalized.  Any why isn't it?  Is the Church being overtaken by drag queens and others in its role as a voice for the voiceless?  Our Church is too often silent and as such is abdicating its rightful role to stand up for the little people, the forgotten people.  In this way, our Church risks losing its privileged and needed place in society. It risks simply being bypassed by more vocal and recognizable voices in society that are so eloquently speaking out for the voiceless.

Thank you to the Pantis of our world for challenging the Church on where we should be and what we should be doing.  Without them, we might surely lose our way.

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