We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

And What a Journey!

I have just had two weeks away, going to Madrid, Rome and Dublin.  Yes, it was for work and good work was done but what a trip.  Yes, I saw some great sights and had some great experiences but there was much more.  There was the connecting and reconnecting with significant people I know from my past and with ones I have never met before but are part of who I am through my being in the Order and my mission.  It was all very significant.

I could have shared one of my great shots from Glendalough, the home of St Kevin in County Wicklow, or from one of the many special churches I visited but no one shot would capture my overall experience.  So I share the picture of a Turkish Airlines jet I flew as a symbol of the journey and what a journey it was. 

The opportunity to move out of one's usual pattern and environment offers much nourishment for life.  Maybe we do not have the luxury of getting on a plane and going somewhere beyond but we can all move out of our daily ruts and routines in one way or another and it does us and those around us so much good.  Go for it!

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