Yes, I did find a centre of learning and prayerfulness at a temple near Pattaya. Yes, it was an enlightening and enriching experience. We all need these spaces and as much of them as we can get. The secret is to create our special, prayerful spaces where we are. It strikes me that is the great learning from Buddhism as Buddhists create where they are as their sacred space - the same space where they live, do business, do whatever.
Now I am back at my office where we have moved the desks so as to create more space and this resulted unwittingly in my now having my own contemplative space where I am at work. You see my desk has been placed at a glass front from which I look out and peruse the surrounds. It is all buildings, streets and construction sites and some green but it all looks so quiet. I look out and find it refreshing, inviting me to contemplation. The Spirit is where we are or where we allow the contemplative to descend around us. It is a pleasant change wihin the daily routine to be able to just look out and take in my Bangkok.
I came to this blog and it helped me to add few new points to my knowledge. Actually, I am trying to learn new thing wherever I find. Impressive written blog and valuable information shared here.