We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

I want to get off this merry-go-round

Well, as you can see by the picture, it is getting to that time of year again already.  I can't believe it.  As we approach the end of another year, I feel overcome with tasks and demands.  It all makes me reflect on life and what really matters.  What is it all about?  Surley, it cannot be reduced to meetings, reports and all sorts of other work matters.  Life has to have so much more to offer, and it does.  We just need to get off the merry-go-round more and take a good look at daily life.  This is just so important for appreciating who we are as people, human individuals.  

The key to life is that we simply bring our humanity to the table and be human.  We don't have to bring all the other baggage or excess that we carry around. 

I wondered where I was going with this and then it hit me.  Today is American Thanksgiving.  Don't worry.  I am not changing my citizenship but I live in Bangkok which is an international hub.  So today I celebrate mass for Thanksgiving with the Maryknoll team here from the US Church.  I am then going out to Thanksgivng dinner at a Thai pub in the evening for the sake of a friend.  All this in Thai Bangkok. 

This is very much Thailand but my Bangkok is an absolute mix of characters, peoples and opportunities.  Today is a time to give thanks for my Bangkok and all it offers me - both good and not so good; both exciting and funny; both challenging and bizarre. 

I am reminded of all this as I go back in time here and return to the Maryknoll office in Bangkok after at least seven years away following my withdrawal from their team when it was time for me to move on, and I did.  The Maryknoll team had been my entry for here, had sustained and nourished me here for five years, but it was all that I describe of my Bangkok - an absolute character but this time an entity.  To go back there today - which is only one songtaew ride away - is a journey back in time for me; a journey that will lead me to reflect on life here and to give thanks. 

I may not be going away on retreat or holiday but today I am getting off my merry-go-round in very real ways in the midst of my Bangkok, and I am sure it will all give me the booster I need, reminding me of who I am and not of all the things I have to do. 

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