We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Good out of everything

My trip for the day
I was to fly up to Phitsanulok, north of Bangkok, to spend the day at a meeting so as to give a presentation and then retun in the evening.  Om and his US friend, Jim, were coming for the trip to see the sights and enjoy.  A day away, or so we thought.  

It was all planned but all plans fell apart, as they can, when we got to Dom Mueang to be stuck in traffic at the airport itself.  We missed the flight by less than five minutes.  So no trip, no day excursion, no talk to be given. 

Om was disappointed.  For many reasons, it was its own little crisis.  There was no Plan B other than get out before the trafiic hits Bangkok streets and go to work.  I was sad for Om and Jim because they missed a good day out.  As for me, after so many years here, my only reaction was - it just is not meant to be. 

The overriding experience for me was to see the value of a crisis for it showed me that no matter how small the crisis, it puts everything into a healthy perspective.  Never overrate oneself or one's issues.    I saw how in this crisis, everyone involved or affected was kind and considerate.  Everyone's good side, including mine, came to the fore.  My concern was that Om not feel so bad as he was the one driving and the one who set the time to leave for the airport. 

The chaos of a crisis led to my own little metanoia on issues facing me at this time.  I had a new and kinder appreciation of people who had been bothering me.  This change happened unplanned and so quickly in facing my little crisis.  I was so thankful.

I truly believe that good comes out of everything (Romans 8) but, more than that, chaos does lead to change.  I have read that before but this week I experienced it for myself. 

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