We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Thai Elephant Day

This week saw the annual Thai Elephant Day being celebrated.  From what I can see from a distance, it was good fun.  There should be more of it, I say, as there is not enough fun in our world.

Elephants have a revered status here.  When an elephant is injured by an old landmine from the days of the Vietnam War, it makes front page news.  The people are sad.  They even have an elephant hospital. 

I remember being at a meeting of the Thai and Myanmar churches.  One Myanmar bishop got word that his diocesan elephant died.  The man was distraught and prayed for his elephant at mass.  Even though there may have been a question of theological correctness, I was touched. 

Yet the sad side is that the very animal they revere can also be abused for the sake of tourism and commercial gain.  Such is our world.  Such is the way of humanity.  We can be so cruel, and even, or especially, towards the very ones we proclaim we love.

The way to go is to celebrate life and all that we love in it.  Let there more of it.  It is so refreshing and life giving just to see happy faces and people enjoying themselves and their elephants.   

Happy Thai Elephant Day!   

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