We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Week to Honor Human Dignity

This week in Thailand begins with the Queen's birthday, which is also Mother's day here, includes the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary and concludes for me with a wedding.  So it seems apt to take a step back for a moment and take one's hat off to the women in our life and world.

I was recently at a network meeting on the local refugee scene and it took me aback when I heard the UNHCR representative describe what he saw as a refugee case receiving top priority in our world for resettlement.  He described it a horrific case from Africa where the mother suffered just desperate and tragic humiliation and suffering, being left alone to care for her children.  I thought is this what has to happen to anyone, to a woman for them receive the help and attention they need? Is this the only way for a woman to be recognized by UNHCR to enjoy the dignity she deserves?  What is wrong with our world?  Where is respect and dignity? 

Advertising the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary at the cathedral in Bangkok
Last week, we remembered the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  One person at the edge of Hiroshima on that fatal was the young, Spanish Jesuit, Pedro Arrupe, who was later to be the Jesuit Superior-General.  He saw the bomb drop at close range.  Like everyone else, he did not know what it was, just that it caused much death and destruction.  He reflected, that despite all cautions, he was required as a priest to go in and help the suffering and cremate the dead,which is what he did.  As a priest, as a man of God, he could do no other.

Is this not the same for all of us as people of faith?  Do we just wait like a UNHCR agent for the most terrible and vicious happenings or outcomes before we stand up and help, to be with the suffering and vulnerable?  Or do we do like the courageous and faithful Pedro Arrupe and jump in when we see the wrong, see the need?   

As we honour and celebrate women this week, so we honour and celebrate human dignity, the dignity of all.  This challenges us to be like a Pedro Arrupe, jumping in where we see wrong and suffering and not wait until the worse case scenario arises.  Simply there is human solidarity for we are fellow human beings, not bureaucrats.  There is the gospel which challenges us not to stand back but to get in there and act.

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