We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We are all Special

The Edward-Irina Wedding
Last Saturday, I approached a wedding with a difference.  It was different because I had come to know this couple more closely than most wedding couples; I had come to feel with them as if they were my friends.  I had only met them a few times but each time they were so kind and generous to me. They loved looking after me and I loved being with them.  There was something about them.  They were special but then I questioned - what does that say about all the other couples I do weddings for?

It hit me.  You meet special people along the way and they reinforce the message of truth that we are all special.  It hit me. People are not special to us for the sake of creating exclusive clubs.  Rather the special people that come our way reinforce a perspective on life that is more realistic than the negative one we are so often given in daily life.  These special people that come our way sustain us for living a better life, a worthwhile life, a good life.

Too often we do not see humanity for what it truly is as we are overcome by the negative that we so easily and readily know in life.  We too easily give in to the negative experiences of humanity that tell us the very opposite of what sustains life.  That opposite is not the message we want to matter in our experience of life.  Edward and Irina taught me that once again.

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