We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Guess what?

Jesus did arrive as planned
Christmas did come and on it rolls just as it always does, and as it should every year.   Yes, this year, the cards no longer come as they did, there is not the same family call, some friends move on and others are just no longer.  You know what?  I am over it. 

Change does happen.  It is real.  True, Christmas is not the same and I did approach it with a sense of loss but inevitably it happened and I am so happy it did.  Yes, it was different this year but no matter what it was as good as it ever was.    I gave gifts to ones in my life that mattered for whatever reason.  I shared a message with family and friends and at mass that spoke to me of what this time is all about.  We celebrated a mass that oozed meaning and joy with gusto.  I put on a memorable Christmas dinner for a small remant that is part of me and central to my Bangkok.  What more could one want? 

Jesus did come but the truth is he is already here and always been so.  Christmas is simply that needed and timely reminder of what is.  Christmas is about a true joy for all and a deeper coming together of people.  This is what life is about at all times.  We need Christmas every day, not just one day.  Let it roll on.  Ho! Ho! Ho!

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