We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Who is the boss?

In the past week, I had an experience that is typical of life in my Bangkok.  It is hard for me to explain as it makes no sense when ones tell me one thing, while another dynamic, the direct opposite, is at play.  Welcome to my Bangkok where the real is truly amazing.   

The situation was this. I needed to replace what for me is an expensive item.  So I do what is always best - seek the help of a local - and ask my good Thai friend for his advice.  His reply to me was a typical Thai one I hear given to foreign friends - "I follow you".  That appears as the local way to be agreeable and never rock the boat.  It so fits in with their way of accepting no responsibility in anything for they do not want to be the one taking charge in case something goes wrong.  Just hand it over to the supposedly big guy.  Being western, I would prefer a more direct or assertive reply.  Still that is the way of here.

So off we go to the shopping mall to look and buy.  I listen and observe as my friend does the talking with salesmen at the shops.  I then make my call as best I can.  The deal is done and then my Thai friend tells me what I should have done according to his local knowledge.

I think to myself - Why didn't he tell me what he knew all along to do?  Why now after the event does he give the advice I sought?  I am then left feeling unsure of myself - Did I make the right decision?

Who is the boss here?  Not me.  Welcome to my Bangkok.

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