We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Communication is the Medium

A happy birthday gathering 
I began the week on a Sunday theme of being connected in a disconnected world.  It ever amazes me how in a world full of tools for communication, how little of it actually occurs.  In our world, the walls are getting higher; the bridges are collapsing - or that is the overwhelming sense. 

My week happily has shown a different side and given me an insight into how we can better connect.

It began with my friend's birthday for which I took him and his two good friend out to dinner.  For them, it was a real treat as, while they may love it, going to an international hotel for a buffet dinner is not what they get to do that often, if ever, in their lives.  They were excited and just loved the experience of good eating and energetic talking. 

I was the only non-Thai and just enjoyed being there with them, watching them relish the evening and listening to them talk away vigorously with each other.  The truth is I did not have to be fluent in Thai and understand every word to join in and enjoy the outing. Talking and eating was the key to the evening but doing the talking was not essential to being part of the fun.  Communication was not determined by talking but by friends coming together for a common cause - to celebrate one's birthday and enjoy it.

Then my focus for the week became a Caritas Asia workshop on communication.  I so loved it as I learnt so much and just enjoyed the time with good people.  What I learnt about communication, I summed in three phrases.
1)  It is hard work.
2)  You cannot do it alone.
3)  It is a process. 

So my week finishes on a bright note brought about by good communication with good people in significant environments. Carpe diem! 

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