We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Yes, he is a rock star.

Well, at mass on Sunday, the shattering announcement was made - all tickets for the papal mass here next month are gone.  Pandemonium hit!  People are hurt.  People are not listening.  People will do whatever they can to get a ticket that no longer exists.

I made my serious, but humorous response, that I would watch the event from my favourite coffee shop.  Ones were shocked.  I had to go.  How could I not go?  If anyone had to go, it was me, or so I was told.  Really? 

The pope is my hero.  Why?  He makes amazing statements, using simple images and analogies.   He is a great user of symbols, giving powerful messages in simple ways.  He is leading us along, radical new paths.  He is a revolutionary for love and the gospel, while just being who he is - a simple and humble man.  To some, he may seem as being too timid in leading change but, hey!  This is the Catholic Church!  It would be like trying to get the Titanic floating again. 

Now the pope is heading my way and close up I am seeing what surrounds him.  I will name it as the "papal entourage" as it is what and who go with him.  I see the church politics, I see the business being done and money being made.  I see a church that does not get his message but wants him in their backyard supporting their agenda.  There is so much other unwanted and other agenda.  It all eats at my faith.  So I make my own choice.  I must stand back or otherwise this papal visit could destroy my faith. 

The pope remains ever my hero but he will never be my rock star. 

1 comment:

  1. Very well said John, sadly our faith is big business. I don’t think our Pope necessarily agrees with it, but he is caught in that vacuum.
