We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, June 15, 2020

It's now or never

Urbi and Orbi Blessing - 27th March, 2020

I sit with two conversations of the past week, shared with my two close friends and mentors here in Bangkok.  
One friend left me with this line - "Like it or not, you represent the Church as an institution to younger generations who no longer look to institutions.  You need to preach revolution every Sunday." 
The other friend left me with this - "We have failed our world."

Hmm!  Where does this leave me?  
I find more telling the words from a third and most significant friend, even if far away, Pope Francis.  He reminds me that the gospel message is radical, calling me to transforming the world in the midst of this extraordinary age.  He keeps returning to preaching revolution, the revolution of love and tenderness, amidst the many pandemics facing humanity.  Risky stuff but the vision is ever strong and ever compelling.    

Yes!  Viva la revolucion!  Great stuff!  

My life remains centred around possibilities of change and transformation.  This has been a constant and annoying quest in my life.  Now in the midst of this next new, world normal, I stand at a junction in life where conjoining external forces are telling me it is now or never in my world for the revolution to occur.  Change is like the apple on the tree, simply waiting to be grabbed.  Then as I share with renewed vigour my cry that the revolution is now, all the old messages come back to me, telling me why it is not possible.  
I want the revolution to happen, and I want it now, but I want it to unfold my way and see the results I want.  Not so simple!!  So I am ever left floundering, continually discussing issues and strategies, while feeling those unfulfilled hopes biting away at me.    

I want the revolution but I want it with my chosen companions; I want it to happen for me in manageable ways; I want it to come easy.  Not to be!  Truth is the overdue revolution for the sake of the gospel is hard work and risky.  It will necessitate stepping outside of the known, the safe and the comfortable.  It will be led by those who seize the moment, choosing to stand firm in the face of all adversity and never losing sight of the vision.         

It's now or never.  Forget the risks.  Surge ahead.  Carpe diem! 

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