We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

We are fragmented

Last week, I was part of yet another Zoom meeting, during which one participant shared an inspired reflection on our age from a bishop in the USA.  It has stayed with me.  As I remember it, the bishop voiced that our church of this pandemic is a fragmented church in need of transformation.  What so struck me was the use of the word "fragmented" as it was such a precise and powerful description of where we find ourselves.  This gave me another 'wow' enlightenment.  

Then following on from hearing the use of this word for the first time in describing our age, I heard it used again from a totally different quarter of society.  Uncanny!  I then took the word to posit that whether, individual, community, society or church, we are experiencing fragmentation at all levels, highlighting the need for global transformation, not just church transformation.  

The latest of many signs of this fragmented world I am seeing is the issue of holidaying in Spain.  There an upsurge in the virus is happening due to social misbehaviour during a pandemic, with some sections of society not showing respect for the virus nor responsibility for the good of others.  So the UK response is to enforce a blanket quarantine for all holiday makers returning from Spain.  This one story is showing how fragmented is our world.  So the story goes on.  

In the Church, the story of Archbishop Vigano, in his publicly opposing Pope Francis, highlights the deep level of fragmentation in our Church.  This good archbishop did not get what he wanted and so he goes full speed making unruly accusations against the Pope.  He is but one example of the abuse of power which is highlighting deep divisions and a fragmented life within the church.  
US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Whether church or world, fragmentation is real which is challenging us to face it full-on.  Transformation is the truly needed response but one wonders how, when and if ever.  Then, if it does not happen now in the midst of the chaos of a pandemic, when will it ever happen?  

Then along comes someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who stands up to the abuse of power in a public forum, the US Congress no less.  She speaks out so eloquently, so respectfully, so forcefully against the structural abuse of power under a system of male patriarchy.  Hers is one voice in our crazy world speaking out for the dignity of all.  All lives matter!  Dignity for all!

Here lies the key.  Our world and church are screaming out for transformation, transformation based on the dignity and respect deserved by every human being.  As my great friend and companion in the Order says from Rome - 
Viva la revolucion del evangelio! 
(He is Spanish.)

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