We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

When Songkran is not Songkran - a Dilemma within Extraordinary Times

Every year 13 to 15 April is Thai New Year, otherwise known as Songkran.  Its great and most popular, or most feared, feature is huge water fights out in the streets.  It is just incredible.  The place is full of adults going around with water pistols of all shapes and sizes, vigorously firing at each other.   They go wild; they love it.  This is the true Thai holiday time.  

Well, in these extraordinary times of the pandemic, even Songkran, ever so sacred to Thais, was subject to lockdown.  No Songkran was had in April but this could not be as this is just impossible in Thai culture.  So postponing was the only option all along, with the result that this coming weekend sees Songkran in September, but it is Songkran without the water.  Maybe it is like Christmas in July.     

Still, water or no water, Songkran will be had, but in a way never thought possible..  Hard to fathom that there will be no water thrown, but as Soren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher and theologian of 19th century, said:    

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."  

You can't alter the timing of New Year.  The dates are set and they are in April .  The water fights must be a central feature of this holiday.  Thai popular culture may demand water for the celebrations, but not to be for this year when the pandemic is still making its presence felt.  What remains is the holiday.  It will be had but unlike any other Songkran before, for it is not New Year and there is to be no water.  

Truly extraordinary times.  Yes, we keep going.  LIfe goes on, no matter what.  Do we understand all the whys and wherefores of what is happening and what we do in our world during a pandemic?  No, I don't but one day we will better understand these times with the lockdowns, face masks and funny New Year holidays.  Despite all, forwards is the only healthy direction to go.  Siempre avanti!  

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