We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hope Never Dies

 “Expressing an artistic and symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death.  We see death in a negative light, but we fail to see the good in it.  To live like we’re young, to do good while we can.  We overwhelm ourselves with fear of the future so that we forget to embrace the present. 

 My work represents the eternal struggle and monotony of life.  What appears to be depicted as a blessing, yet a curse.  Areas of refinement and lack of it suggest purgatorial state for change. 

 ‘Trust the wait.  Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, everything is possible.’ – Mandy Hale”

 At that already named school exhibit of art, yet another piece captured my attention, entitled "Rebirth".  These were the words of the young artist, describing her piece, that I particularly admired. 

Her words spoke powerfully to me about Easter.  Savor her words, drink in her message.  Easter is a mystery which we can only ever ponder and live as best we can in the midst of an often harsh reality, but a reality that nonetheless reflects beauty, the beauty of God.  Life is a mystery; life is a paradox. 

 Let us savour the Assumption Cathedral choir singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus for this Easter at church.  Listen and drink in the message.  

Let us sing Alleluia forever and so live out our hopes, not our woes,  

"We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song." (S. Augustine)  

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