We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, October 4, 2021

16 Years

A kind woman graciously helped me get home, with loaning me her umbrella.

I not know why but I always remember the day I arrived in Thailand to stay.  It was 5th October, 2005.  This means Tuesday this week, I have been here 16 years.  Knowing me, I find it amazing that I have stayed in one place and one post for so long.  What has kept me here?  

There is no simple or one answer.  Like every westerner living in Bangkok, I have a story, and that story sure keeps expanding.  For one who is naturally, critically reflective of his reality, it is good to stand still sometimes and just smell the roses.  In the past few days, I have had two such occasions to do just that and be thnakful..

On Saturday, I was nearly home from running my errands, when a tropical storm hit.  I was close to home, bur not close enough without an umbrella and with wearing good shoes.  So I sought shelter by a food stall.   After 20 minutes of waiting, the woman owner of the food business gave me an umbrella so I could get home.  I was so touched by her simple kindness. Deo gratias! 

The next day, as I approached mass and a meeting afterwards, I reflected how good and essential it is to have ones who are a part of the task and the vision, and happily share the load.  There is no future in standing alone.  Going it alone is no way to go nor way to be church.  I am so grateful for having ones who share my lot.  Deo gratias!

And why am I still here?  I came with a passion which lives on; I have people in my life who really matter and support me; God never stopped calling me and the mission lives on.  I know this is not about me.  I surely not stand alone. Deo gratias!

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