We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Another Year Ends

Loy Krathong

Yes, it is the end of another Church year.  And what is our gospel theme at this point in time?  Power.  

This is a volatile topic which many neither want to own nor even touch.  Reason is that this can be dangerous territory.  No matter what, reality is we all have power.  In dealing with this reality, we best own our power, for unclaimed power can be destructive. 

We experience power in many ways, too often negatively.  In any sphere of our life, we may suffer under the power of the bully, of the ruthless, of the greedy and self-centred.  We too often experience power as acting over us or against us, thus being harmful to our well-being.  Let us look to the gospel.  What does that tell us? 

Jesus is before Pilate, the Governor, for final judgment.  The gospel scene of John shows Pilate and all the other characters arguing over whether Jesus is the king of the Jews.  That is none of Jesus' concern.  In the midst of approaching suffering and death, he stands calmly, keeping his ground, maintaining his focus on his mission - building the Kingdom of God here and now. 

In doing so, the Jesus of the gospels shows us the way to assert power.  Power exists with us and for us.  Power lies at the grassroots of any community, for all to exercise as equal partners, each playing their role and exercising their responsibility. It is for the good of all.  It is shared with the other.  In tune with the present Synod on Synodality, power is exercised through living three verbs with others - encounter, listen, discern.  

It is not about power being misused and abused in our spheres of influence.  It is about building up inclusion, not enforcing exclusion.  It is about building up creation for the sake of the well-being of all.  It is about building up the Kingdom of God.  In the spirit of the beautiful Thai festival, Loy Krathong, it is about letting go of all hurt and harm, and starting ever anew together for good.   


1 comment:

  1. Yes, fully agree. I shall let go of hurt and harm and forgive and make more of an effort to forget. Only time will tell. But, do the Cahtolic bishops of the USA understand this concept? I think not. It seems that their objective is to exclude. Not include.
