We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Christmas is all year round

A friend leaves supplies at my door while I am in isolation.  
An experience, of a time I spent isolating due to Covid, that should never be lost nor underestimated, is enjoying the kindness and generosity of others. 

It is a simple story with a simple message.  Living on my own and stuck in my room, I wondered how I would get food while isolating.  Without even asking, the answer came.  Good people stepped forward and generously provided.  Their natural kindness reminded me of Christmas.  

Truth is one can't isolate alone.  I live alone but not in isolation.  Even in isolation, one is not alone.  This is a circuitous argument that makes a basic point about life.  As John Donne said, "No man is an island".  

Every year, I proclaim how much I love Christmas, I know it is not about gifts and trees, music and decorations.  That may all be nice but they are not essentially touching on the heart of Christmas.  

What I share each Christmas is that I grew up with it in my family.  It was fun and exciting.  It was about going to church and family coming together.  It was so important to my family.  Much more and deeper, I later realized it touched on the goodness of humanity, telling us that we could be good to each other at least once a year, and so why can't we do that every day of the year?  Why not?  Why can't we simply be good and kind to each other all the time and so make Christmas happen all year round?  The world would be a happier place.  

Truth is isolation raised yet again this question for me.  If we can be good and kind now, why not all the time?  So we can celebrate Christmas every day of the year.  Christmas matters not just on one day but every day, for the goodness and kindness of people are enduring.  No matter what, Christmas comes each year to assure us that God is with us every day, not just one day of the year.  

So Ho! Ho! Ho! in February and every month of the year.   

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