We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Do we get it?


St Charles de Foucauld - I want to cry the Gospel with my life.  

To act little is okay.  To act little achieves big.  By doing what we can, we are doing our bit.  I may wish to stop the war in Ukraine, but can I?  No, we say that is impossible, but this is not the end of the story.  If we all do our little bit, it is like building blocks coming together.  We are creating something big and strong, a world where our Ukraines and Syrias meet their match.  

Charles de Foucauld lived the life of a hermit in a remote part of North Africa. He was a man of faith, prayer and vision, but ever alone, being murdered as an unknown to the outside world.  Still that was not the end of his story for he became the inspiration for many following his path beyond his death.  Such is the mystery of life.  

Our faith is defined by mystery.  De Foucauld would say - "The good you do depends not on what you say or do but on what you are".  We are primarily who we are.  We are spiritual by nature.  There is more to us than what we see, know and touch.  We go so much deeper.  What we do gives expression to who we are.  It is to be remembered that, while spiritual, our faith is very physical.  

I saw this at a recent funeral where people from very diverse backgrounds and cultures came together to bury their dear friend and loved one.  Given the way they do funerals here, the celebration was very physical, as family and friends worked together to lift and carry the body at various times.  They actively showed how they were united to care for their dead companion.  It was amazing to watch.  

It is Laudato Si Week.   In his encyclical to the world, Laudato Si, Pope Francis challenges us to care for and love our common home.  The message is clear - by doing our little bit, we can make our world a better place and help save the planet. 

The challenge of the Church Synod to us is uncompromising - get involved.  Pope Francis offers the three-fold challenge: communion, participation, mission.  We are all to do our little bit and it matters that we do so to make it a better church.  

Little is important.  Don't just be overcome by the big.  Do we get it?  


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