We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy 200th Birthday

Guess who is turning 200 this year?  It is none other than the holy ground on which Assumption cathedral in my Bangkok now stands.  Yes, in 1822, on the Feast of the Holy Rosary, the first Assumption church (not then a cathedral), located on the same site as the present Assumption Cathedral, was consecrated.  

The story goes back to 1809, when an anonymous donor gave the then Bishop Florens money to buy land, upon which to construct a church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary.  It took Bishop Florens 13 years to find all the money needed and complete the task. It was 13 years of struggle and hard work for the local church, so that, for 200 continuous years, a church could stand on the same ground.  This is a milestone that is about much more than money and physical labour.   

200 years later, people come to the present day cathedral and admire its grandeur and beauty.  It surely stands today in all its glory but it just did not happen.  There was a simpler church before it on the same spot.  Whether big or small, grand and beautiful or simple and humble, a church stands as a result of the generosity, sacrifice, hard work, faith and vision of the local faihtful, past and present.  

Today's cathedral gives witness to all who are and have been part of the local, living church for over 200 years.  It may be a building but it is much more.  It is a living testimony to the presence of God and of church in the local community.  It energizes a diverse community of faith live and minister in the streets of our world, to forge its bond and identity.  For 200 years, a building has stood as church, serving as the intrinsic focus for a community of believers being church.  Essentially, we are church as we live our faith, share the love of God and give witness to enduring hope.        

Deo gratias!

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