We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Absurdity of Life

The burning bush is the symbol for Season of Creation 2022 

We may think the gospel is absurd but is not our world absurd?  

War is absurd but we keep doing it.  Climate change is absurd, while we present as unable or unwilling to act on it.  Countries are rapidly tearing themselves apart, ever focusing on what divides, rather than what unites.  We profess love in our homes, while far too many are torn apart by violence.  Too many people suffer hunger and poverty, and why?  

All are destructive events, causing harm and hurt to us and our world, but it is often so unneccesary.  We could act for the common good, for our good, but instead we choose absurdity.  Ultimately, we fail to connect with each other, we fail to commit to life and so act against the greater good of all.  It is like the world's tectonic plates are rushing across each other out of control, while we just sit and calmly play with our smartphones.  

It strikes me how absurd our world is; how absurd our life is.  Yet it does not have to be this way.  We could take in the wisdom of Luke's gospel which challenges us to be people of integrity, standing up for what is right and good for all.  Luke's Jesus is showing us the way but we don't get it.  

St Gregory the Great, Pope (590-604), shares this wisdom in this light:
"Act in such a way that your humility may not be your weakness, nor your authority be severity.  Justice must be accompanied by humility, that humility may render justice lovable." 
A wise man, showing us the way to act for the good of our brother, our sister and creation.  Laudato si!     

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