In the last week, I went for my six monthly dental check. After the dentist, it struck me that this is Advent, a good time for a spiritual check-up. So I turn to no other than Dr Teresa of Avila, for what better physician for a timely, spiritual check-up?
Dr Teresa's basic premise for spiritual health is that we follow the way of the Crucified Christ. This way reveals the true presence of God.
So, we ask.
1) Do we have the humility to follow the way of Jesus?
2) Do we listen to the God revealed by the Scriptures?
3) Do we contemplate the Mystery of God, God dwelling within us?
4) Do we appreciate the mystery of the divine presence within each of us?
-and so, the deep relationship to which we are called?
-and so, the transformation to which we are called?
5) Do we seek the One who loves us to the end of time, in the midst of what is and who we are?
Do we appreciate and believe this?
6) Our journey in life is to be united in love with God. How are we going?
Prayer is its way. Do we pray?
7) Are we humble enough for the journey?
-for it is God's way, not ours;
-for it is not about what we do;
-for it is a way of suffering;
-for it is a way of love and intimacy.
All of this can be threatening.
8) Are we free just to be with God, our intimate friend?
9) Are we free to enter into spiritual intimacy with God?
The three key principles of Dr Teresa, for building up spiritual health, are
1) Prayer leads to service. It does not exist for the sake of some self-seeking trip. Prayer and service together lead us to God. We go within so as to go out.
2) Humility is the foundation, for the Jesus of the Gospel is the humble Christ.
3) God is always near. Let us never take our gaze off Jesus, the true revealer of God.
Dr Teresa of Avila is 100% in line with St Paul, who writes in Galatians:
"I have been crucified with Christ. I live, not I, but Christ lives in me."
So we reach full spiritual health and attain a life that is fulfilled and truly nourished.
We are ever on the way.
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