We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Life is WoW, but most people don't get it.

Confirmation at Assumption Cathedral, Pentecost 2023  

Too many people around me are too often negative, or that is my experience.  So much so that, at times, it is just unhealthy or unhelpful.  I do get it, as there is so much wrong in our world.  I am not going to list all the possible wrongs at play, as we know them already, and it would just be depressing, going nowhere.  This self-defeating dynamic seemingly acts so that we are overcome not just by what goes wrong, but by what could go wrong as well.  How easily, one can become stuck in a bottomless pit. 

This Sunday was Pentecost Sunday.  During mass, that day, we confirmed eight people - teenagers and older.  Gathering, I saw eight positive, excited, happy people, along with their happy families.  Their level of positive energy was contagious.  At least on this occasson, people around me got it.  Life is WoW!  

There is so much good happening in our world.  There are so many good people, doing good, spreading some hope and joy in life.  I would never say we have to be happy, but please let us not be driven by what disfigures our experience of life.  My theory is we are too easily overcome by the big issues, standing at any level, from international to personal, that are just too much for us to handle.  After all, what can we do about them?  Or so we may think.  Or we feel a loss of control, as a result, and become stuck.  

Sunday's experience was a reminder to me that we too easily become stuck or overcome.  No matter what, life is WoW!  We can jump out of our bottomless pit.  We just have to open up to what is possible, what is other in our world.  We are best to move beyond what holds us back from or blinds us to the goodness and beauty of life and people.    

I saw it this Sunday.  Eight ordinary citizens came together within our church community, for an experience of the sacred, to take a step forward in life, and the effect was obvious, contagious, even monumental.  Life is WoW!  If we just take that extra step, we can experience it and share it.  

This extra step is gospel based, for the message of John's gospel is clear.   
You don't have to be dead to enjoy life, for eternal life is with us now, in Jesus, through the Spirit. 
Truth is we are about life before death, not just life after death.  WoW!  

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