We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

It's all so simple but we don't get it.

Last week, a neighbour posed a 'meaning of life' question - .  He asked, "Why did God create man and woman, as we are so destructive of each other and the planet?"  My reply was that it is simply explained by the nature of God who is love.  Simply put, creation is an act of love.  

My good neighbour did not get it and kept on his line of argument of how cruel we can be to our own kind.  I get that and understand it, but that is not the end of the story.   That cannot be the end of the human narrative, nor is it.  

We know how the cruelty of humanity overshadows all the good in our midst.  Within a busy, inner-city parish, that is 10am mass at Assumption Cathedral, the message that strikes a chord is to identify the good in our lived experience, while naming the challenges we face in a complex and conflicted world.  

Within all that we know and face, the answer is simple, but do we get it?  The way to follow is simply laid out by the prescription of love.  The difficulty is living it out.  People yearn for a simple life, appreciating basic principles for life.  Trouble is we make it unnecessarily complicated.   .Will we ever get it?  

Well, by Sunday, I met a woman who did get it.  What was the secret for her?  She did not seek to control or she knew control did not work.  I not know which.  It is all mystery.  We neither accept nor follow blindly.  We just know and accept the mystery.  I share with a true sense of how little I know.  

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