It seems a long time since I last wrote, considering what may seem to be going on in Bangkok. Well you know what? It all just seems to go on and on and on. The redshirts continue to be barricaded in the major, central hotel and shopping district of Bangkok. The soldiers and police continue to stand guard every day despite looking hot tired and tired. From one angle, it all just seems to be one big stand-off with a major incident happening every so often.
I suppose part of the harsh reality is that when these barricades are pulled down and the protestors and the soldiers and the police all go home, the basic, underlying problems will remain. Nothing in the short term will be resolved. No one election will produce a solution.
What is needed is long term action targeting change at the very basics of Thai society. There is a need to narrow the inequality gap. There is a need to have a decent Constitution that speaks for the whole of Thai society. There is a need to clean up corruption in government institutions and build up institutions that serve well their society. All this takes time, commitment and perseverance. Still, as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. It's not impossible.
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