We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A sad day for Thailand and Thais

Today is a sad day for Thailand and Thais. It is 8.30 am in Bangkok and the government has sent in the military for a final assault with the APCs moving in. Killing of anybody is not the way to go and solves nothing. It would seem that it will only make matters worse. Where goes the basic right to life? What happens to the respect for life held by people of all religious beliefs?

It seems easier to hate others we don't like or disagree with and do them harm when we give them evil labels and put them into their boxes. It used to be that those who were our 'enemies' were labelled as communists and we could do with them then what we willed. Now they are labelled as terrorists.

In Thailand during the present troubles, this has been done superbly. There is so much misinformation in this country. The two sides of the story are not being told within Thailand. Only one side is being told and heard in Bangkok. Label them all as terrorists, make the population afraid of them and do with them what you will. Will we ever learn?

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